The Frittata is for me the best way to use the fridge leftovers. This is why I seldom follow recipes when I make a frittata. Sometime the result is not very exciting, some other time, like this one, the result is simply delicious!
This time I wanted to make a thick and rich dish so I used a cake pan and baked it in the oven.
…but let’s start with the ingredients (for a 20cm cake pan):
- 150gr ricotta cheese
- 30gr pecorino cheese
- 4 eggs
- 1 slice wholemeal bread
- 1 large potato
- 1 red pepper
- 1 teaspoon turmeric
- 1 teaspoondi smoked paprika
- 1 tablespoon finely chopped flat parsley
- 5/6 fresh basil leaves
- 100 gr fresh spinach
- evo oil ar
- salt ar
Cut the potato and the pepper into small cubes and put them in a frying pan with some evo oil. Add a bit of salt and cook stirring frequently.
In a large bowl put the ricotta, the pecorino, the turmeric, the paprika, a pinch of salt, the basil and the parsley. Chop the slice of bread into small pieces and add it to the bowl. Mix well and add the eggs.
When the potatoes are cooked add the spinach into the pan and stir until the spinach are cooked. Turn off the heat.
Cover the bottom and the sides of the cake pan with some baking paper.
Mix together the content of the bowl and the content of the frying pan, stir and mix well and pour everything into the cake pan. Bake for about 75 minutes at 170° celsius. If after this period you are not sure, stick a toothpick into the frittata, if it comes out dry the frittata is ready and you can turn the oven off.